# Creating a session

# Creating an Ad-hoc session

Ad-hoc meetings enable participation in meetings without guests having to have an account beforehand. However, participation in the session is only possible at the same time. If you would like to work with a time delay, however, we recommend inviting contacts so that participants can be granted permanent access to the session.

To create an ad-hoc session, first click on the "New session" button under "My sessions". In the window that opens, select the option "Ad-hoc session with own group".

Figure: Create new Session

After creating a new session, you are immediately forwarded to the workspace.

# Creating a session with a group

Note: The "Rooms" edition only supports the "Ad-hoc session" session type.

To create a new session whose participants come from a group, click on the "New session" button in the "My groups" list. Only group leaders and their co-group leaders can add new sessions.

Figure: Starting a session from the group list

Alternatively, you can also add a new session in the "My sessions" menu item and then select "Participants determined by group":

Figure: Participants determined by group

The group is selected for this type of session. A suitable group, including your contacts, must therefore have been defined beforehand.

After creating the new session, you are immediately forwarded to the workspace.

# Communication variants of the session

There are several options available for the transmission of audio and video communication.

Figure: types of transmission

Automatic: The best communication option is determined automatically.

Direct connection: Transmits audio and video directly to the participants in the group. A variant to avoid an intermediate audio/video communication server - only suitable for smaller groups.

Group communication: Here, communication is controlled centrally via an external server. This can improve the audio and video quality for larger groups in particular and is more resource-efficient.

# Session encryption

When creating a new session, the encryption used can be customised in the "Advanced" section.

Figure: encryption types

Basic access protection: This is a server-side encryption.

Client encryption with session key: Encryption takes place via the user's browser. This is activated by default with every new creation.

Advanced encryption with individual passphrase: This is an extension of the previous encryption. You define your own password for decrypting the session.

Attention: If you lose your individual passphrase for the session, the contents of the session can no longer be displayed or restored.

# Scheduling sessions

When creating sessions, you can specify the planned date and time of the session under "Advanced".

Figure: start and end dates

The start and end dates are displayed at the start of a session. If these dates are entered, they are used in the "Invite" function for sessions.

# Comment of a session

The comment is displayed at the top at the start of the session. It is therefore visible to all participants in the session. The text is used in the session search so that information noted here can also help you find the sessions again.