# Session types

A distinction is made between two types of online session.

Ad-hoc session

  • Access is possible for licence holders, contacts and guests (without a previously created account).

  • The access options are not defined in advance, but are regulated during the session.

  • Simultaneous access is only possible for guests if group leaders (moderators/hosts) are online and guests are admitted via the waiting room.

  • In addition, permanent access can be granted to licence holders and contacts. For this group of people, the Ad-hoc session differs only slightly from the meeting.

Meeting with group:

  • Access is exclusively for licence holders and contacts.

  • The group is used to define in advance who can attend.

  • Delayed access is also possible. Participants can also enter the session independently without a group leader.

Note: The "Rooms" edition only supports the "Ad-hoc meeting" session type.